Friday, March 10, 2023


 Today is an imporant day in creating the correct filming environment for our project. We decided that we would be filming in Mariana's house. So, Mariana went home and started to set up some of our mise-en-scene elements. We made sure to order the corkboard that will be an essential part in telling our story. We also made sure that the living room would be set up similarly to the way we had designed it previously, so some things were moved. There is still some work to within our mise en scene, but I'm happy that we've gotten one day closer to filming! We've decided to film on Sunday, so expect a new post then. For now, here's what our set looks like!

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Film Opening

 Today I am proud to present... our final project! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! Click here to view my project.