Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Cleaning Up Our Minds

This past weekend, Mariana (my partner) and I were talking about what we wanted to do for our film opening. We realized that we probably wanted to do something in the slice-of-life genre with a target audience of 16-25, but what?

Watching many Disney movies while growing up gave us an idea, The Princess and the Frog was where we drew some inspiration from. At the beginning of the movie, Tiana has a dream to build her own restaurant but doesn't have the funds to do so. Through hours of hard work and multiple jobs, she is finally able to afford to buy her own building and make her dream come true. 

We wanted to rework this hardworking character into something of our own. We liked the idea of there being a goal to own something, so we decided that our character will be working to become the owner of a hotel. She will work jobs cleaning around peoples' homes and eventually have enough to buy her own hotel. We believe that we will include her reaching her goal financially in our film opening and the rest of the movie will be based around the process of her creating her lifelong dream. 

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Film Opening

 Today I am proud to present... our final project! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! Click here to view my project.